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Cabinet d'avocats fiscalistes

Real estate attorney


The quality of our advice and our support make the success of your real estate projects, whether it is to sell a property, to acquire it or to sell a business, a company or a patent. Our firm puts at your service the diploma of real estate agent which Maître SION has in order to offer you a complete service, allowing you to master all the global legal aspects of your real estate project and to frame and supervise a good deal, by securing the projected sale and anticipating the possible legal, fiscal and patrimonial problems, to allow you to carry out your real estate transaction in full safety, with a clear mind. We are your litigation specialist, and we anticipate and manage your real estate transactions, whatever they may be.

Real estate attorney, how does it work ?

The process is simple. Our clients give us a mandate to :

  • offer their property for sale, and advertise it by letting them benefit from the lawyers' real estate network
  • acquire a property on their behalf
  • as well as for any rental operation, whether it is a single property or several scattered throughout France.

To carry out her mission, Maître SION has the strength of the network to which she belongs, which is the Real Estate Market of Lawyers, a digital platform specially dedicated to this purpose. Only lawyers with the diploma of real estate agent can connect and access, via this network, to a multitude of offers of purchase and sale of real estate, and make you benefit from an additional and quality publicity for your sale or acquisition of real estate.

Your real estate transaction seen from a different angle

We are your ideal interlocutor in our capacity of agent in your real estate project and represent you in all confidence in an exclusive way, whether it is about a sale new-construction, a real estate project of construction, the insurance of obtaining the guarantees which must give you your insurance organization, your relations with the developer with whom you are in connection or still the architect and naturally your cocontractors with whom you are in negotiation. We have the possibility to put your property on sale and to carry out the marketing of the property via a specific publicity in this framework, for the search of purchasers or partners, which gives a great credibility to your will, with the use in particular of the current platforms, the social networks but also of our privileged contacts in this field, of which we make you profit, in order to offer you the best possible and safest offer, in agreement with your projects and your wills

What is the added value of the real estate lawyer in your real estate project?

Your lawyer brings an essential added value to your real estate project: we are your specialist in real estate negotiation and litigation, by mastering all the legal but also financial aspects of your transaction. You benefit from all the advantages of our profession as a lawyer and from the respect of the strict rules of our deontology: secrecy and confidentiality of our exchanges, knowledge and anticipation of the fiscal, real estate and patrimonial problems, in particular if it is a question of a property sold within the framework of an inheritance or a liquidation of matrimonial regime, for example. We know how real estate law works and we support our client, in an exclusive way, in all the stages of the acquisition or the assembly of your project :

  • Drafting of the compromise, promise of sale in the context of a sale, purchase or rental
  • Realization of the promise to sell by authenticated deed or under private signature
  • Drafting of the deed of sale with or without conditions precedent, in particular as regards obtaining a bank loan or the renewal of the sales agreement
  • Drafting of your commercial or residential lease and follow-up of the file, in particular within the framework of a rental
  • Management and assistance in eventual litigation with the architect, the insurance company, problems with the delivery of the property or abnormal neighborhood disturbances
  • Global support and answer to all your questions on the fiscal and patrimonial consequences of the sale or purchase of a property
  • Assistance and answers to your questions on the financial and legal consequences of the sale or the projected acquisition
  • Drafting of leases in the context of a rental of your real estate and analysis of the financial impact of your operations

We are the interlocutor and we address on your behalf the various people with whom you are in contact within the framework of your project, going from the notary to the diagnostician, while passing by the possible broker and the town planning departments or town halls. We answer all your questions, such as whether or not the sale in the future state of completion is dangerous for you. It is not, for example, if the contract of sale in the future state of completion is secured, which is our role by intervening for example at the stage of the signature and the works. We are charged by our clients to carry out exclusively on their behalf all the phases of the real estate transaction.

Our remuneration is fixed for all the advices and draftings of the deeds, and then a percentage of the sale price for the negotiation of the transaction once it has been completed, and is intended to be attractive compared to other professionals who previously had a certain monopoly on real estate transactions. Do not hesitate to contact us so that we can send you our quotations accordingly and exchange with you.

For which reasons you need to seek assistance from a lawyer

SION AVOCAT remains at your side at all stages of this contractual process for a successful acquisition or sale operation, by making you benefit from the numerous advantages of having a lawyer at your side. The essential advantage of our intervention is the fact that we are doubly competent, both as counsel and as litigation experts. At this stage, we are a precious interlocutor who can anticipate each point of conflict or legal problem, and protect you and avoid them by our intervention before they occur. If they already exist, we put an end to them by taking the necessary actions before the necessary jurisdictions.

By knowing the real estate litigation, we can anticipate it and avoid all the pitfalls. We become your ideal interlocutor and as a law professional, we intervene exclusively for the protection of your interests, whether you are a seller or a buyer, by guaranteeing you the respect of the deontological rules of our profession, namely our loyalty and our objectivity. The advantage of using a real estate transaction lawyer lies in their double competence because we are both able to advise you and defend you in case of litigation. We know the points that need to be clarified, those that need to be explained, and those that can be a source of problems, which allows us to alert you and to anticipate them together, in order to avoid generating litigation. Your transaction is thus secured and the process is supervised to protect you. We will only defend your interests and not those of the two parties, as is customary when one calls upon other legal professionals, intervening moreover generally only at the time of the signature, thus often late.

Our missions of support and drafting in our capacity of real estate agent

We assist you, advise you and secure each legal act at each stage of the progress of the project of transfer or acquisition of the real estate :

  • Diffusion of your offer or your will to acquire with your agreement on our specialized network or on any network that we will judge useful and adequate
  • Negotiation and intervention with all your interlocutors and co-contractors, whose main advantage remains the complete centralization of exchanges with them and the assurance of confidentiality of the disclosed documents, in a secure manner according to your directives, in particular if you are a real estate developer
  • Anticipation of possible litigation and adaptation of the drafting of the deeds accordingly in order to protect you as well as possible
  • Drafting of the synallagmatic promise of sale and analysis of the tax, legal and accounting impact of the project ; in particular in the context of an inter vivos donation, inheritance, liquidation of a matrimonial regime including one or more real estate properties
  • Drafting and assistance during the drafting of the sales agreement under suspensive/resolutive/other conditions
  • Assistance and verification of the reiteration of the preliminary sales agreement by a notarial act or by a private deed if necessary and of the lifting of the suspensive conditions with precise drafting as to the handing over of the keys, the entry into possession
  • Assistance and intervention within the framework of any type of litigation with the various interlocutors : insurance organization, credit institutions, architect, defects of form, defect of conformity of the property with the delivery within the framework of a sale on plan, town hall and administrative organizations, tax and commercial litigations

Do not hesitate to contact us for any additional question and estimate, Maître SION will be pleased to answer you and to transfer you the requested elements.

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